Barracuda Central
The Trusted Source for Spam, Spyware, Virus, and Content Blocking.
Barracuda Networks is pleased to announce a new Web site called barracudacentral.com. Barracudacentral.com displays statistics gathered from Barracuda Networks products around the world. In addition, on this site you can check a domain’s reputation as well as whether or not you are listed on the Barracuda Blacklist (“block lists”).
To provide you with maximum protection against spam, spyware, viruses and other threats. Barracuda Networks operates Barracuda Central, a powerful operations center. Our engineers at Barracuda Central work day and night to continuously monitor the Internet for new trends and develop new ways to counteract evolving threats. By spotting these trends early on, the team at Barracuda Central can quickly develop new and improved detection and blocking techniques.
Barracuda Central Collects Data From All Over The World
Barracuda Central collects emails, URLs and other data from all over the world. Barracuda Central has thousands of collection points located in over 100 countries. In addition, Barracuda Central collects data contributions from over 40,000 Barracuda products in use by customers. Barracuda Central analyzes the data collected and develops defenses, rules and signatures to defend Barracuda's customers.Barracuda Central Delivers Energize Updates to All The Barracuda Products Hourly
New spam-blocking updates, spyware protection updates, webfilter updates and virus definitions are automatically delivered to your Barracuda Networks' product via the Barracuda Energize Updates.
Barracuda Central employs a number of techniques to make sure that your Barracuda Networks' product is fighting the right threat the right way. You can depend on the Barracuda Networks' Spam Firewall and the Barracuda Web Filter to provide reliable, comprehensive spam, spyware, URL and virus protection.
Spam Definition Updates:
Using a variety of technologies, the team at Barracuda Central monitors the Internet for the latest spam methods. With this information, engineers quickly create appropriate spam-blocking techniques that are tested for effectiveness and reliability. These new techniques are then delivered to all Barracuda Spam Firewalls throughout the world.
In addition the team at Barracuda Central updates its list of known spammers and uses that list to further ensure that you have full spam protection.
All spam-blocking updates, including new spam-blocking techniques and new lists of known spammers, are provided to Barracuda Spam Firewall customers through the Barracuda Energize Updates subscription service. Updates are automatically and securely loaded into your Barracuda Spam Firewall. No intervention is required.
Spyware Definition Updates:
The team at Barracuda Central continuously monitors the Internet for the latest spyware threats. Once a new spyware threat is discovered, engineers quickly create appropriate detection and blocking techniques that are tested for effectiveness and reliability.
All spyware definition updates, including new spyware detection and blocking techniques as well as new lists of known spyware Web sites, are provided to Barracuda Web Filter customers through the Barracuda Energize Updates subscription service. Updates are automatically and securely loaded onto your Barracuda Web Filter.
Virus Definition Updates:
The team at Barracuda Central not only monitors the Internet for spam attacks they also monitor for new viruses. With each new virus, the Barracuda Central team creates a new virus definition so the Barracuda Spam Firewall and Barracuda Web Filter can identify the virus and block it from reaching your Network.
Virus definitions are constantly being updated to Barracuda Spam Firewall, Barracuda Web Filter, and Barracuda IM Firewall customers through the Barracuda Energize Updates subscription service. Updates are automatically and securely loaded into the Barracuda products.
Content Filter Category Updates:
Barracuda Firewall products include comprehensive Web site categories for filtering non-productive and offensive websites. These categories classify millions of Web sites. Updates to theses categories and Web sites are provided hourly via the Barracuda Energizes UpdateSubscription service.